Integrated Capacity and A apacity and Appointment Scheduling Strategy for Access Time Management
Carrie Ka Yuk Lin
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A common strategic decision problem faced by service providers is seasonal demand and limited resources This paper proposes an integrated scheduling strategy of service capacity and patient appointments over a multi-day planning horizon. Demand is characterized by priority classes with seasonal variation. Short-term capacity is allowed to vary while the total capacity is kept constant, or within certain limits. System performances are measured from both demand and provider perspectives, including access time to an appointment, capacity utilization and completion time. Combining optimization approaches of integer programming and scheduling, an optimal capacity schedule and appointments with the smallest total and range of access times for each priority class is developed. Experiments are designed using published data on annual demand, capacity, costs in public out-patient clinics, and seasonality data in literature. Results indicate higher capacity utilization, shorter completion time converted into relative cost savings, and significant reduction in non-urgent patient access times.
A Study on the Resource-Use Efficiency in Unirrigated Maize Cultivation
DR. C. Sundarapandian
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A measure assures regular income to the maize cultivators, regular supply of feed to the poultry industry and other industries which in turn, offers opportunities of employment to the skilled and unskilled workers. There is an urgent need to promote maize on priority basis by implementing maize development programme on “mission mode approach”. The respondents of Maize cultivators has selected from Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu (300 samples). Resources are scarce and have alternative uses as well. In order to study resource use efficiency, that is, how resources are used in unirrigated maize cultivation, production function analysis was adopted. The Gross Average Physical Productivity of labour for small farmers was found to be lower than that of the other two categories (large and total) of farmers cultivating maize under unirrigated conditions in the study area. In unirrigated maize cultivation, positive relationship between farm size and productivity was observed in the study area. The Gross Average Value Productivity of labour and the Residual Average Labour Productivity have been found to be higher in the case of total farmers cultivating maize under unirrigated conditions. The analysis shows that the Gross Average Value Productivity of capital and the Residual Average Capital Productivity have heen lower for large farmers cultivating maize under unirrigated conditions. An analysis of resource use efficiency in unirrigated maize cultivation in respect of small, large and total farmers distinctively shows excessive use of all the resources by the all the farmers in the study area.
Research on the Theory and Practice of the Fair Competition Review System in China
Yanling Peng, Pinguang Ying
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On June 1, 2016, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China released its Opinions on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System in the Development of the Market System. It shows the determination of Chinese center government that firmly protect the Market System. Actually, the Chinese government is always making the effort to decrease the inappropriate intervention to Market System which from the public rights. Up to now, remarkable results have been achieved. And t On June 1, 2016, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China released its Opinions on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System in the Development of the Market System. It shows the determination of government that firmly protect the Market System. Actually, the Chinese government is always making the effort to decrease the inappropriate intervention to Market System which from the public rights. Up he stable and rapid growth of China’s economy is the best proof. The release of the document about Fair Competition Review is conducive to consolidating the previous The purpose of this paper is to introduce the content of this system and On June 1, 2016, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China released its Opinions on Establishing a Fair Competition Review System in the Development of the Market System. It shows the determination of government that firmly protect the Market System. Actually, the Chinese government is always making the effort to decrease the inappropriate intervention to Market System which from the public rights. Up to now, remarkable results have been achieved. And the stable and rapid growth of China’s economy is the best proof. The release of the document about Fair Competition Review is conducive to consolidating the previous achievements of the Chinese government. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the cont put forward some suggestions based on the actual situation in China.
Actual Legal Aspects of Managing the Cod Fishery in the Northern Regions
Pavlova S.A., Pavlov I.E.
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In the practice of fishing in the Northern regions, cod is of the greatest interest, since it is a most valuable object that is in high demand, both in the domestic and international markets. Regulation of fishing is carried out on the basis of the rules of law of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The development of the regulatory framework for the settlement of the relationship b In the practice of fishing in the Northern regions, cod is of the greatest interest, since it is a most valuable object both in the domestic and international markets. Regulation of fishing is carried out on the basis of the rules of law of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The development of the regulatory framework for the settlement of the relationship between people and natural resources should be subject to environmental priorities. The federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides legal regulation of environmental activities. Fishing for aquatic biological resources is regulated by the Federal ФЗ “On fisheries and the conservation of aquatic biological resources”. In the practice of fishing in the Northern regions, cod is of the greatest interest, since it is a most valuable object both in the domestic and international markets. Regulation of fishing is carried out on the basis of the rules of law of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The development of the etween people and natural resources should be subject to environmental priorities. The federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides legal regulation of environmental activities. Fishing for aquatic biological resources is regulated by the Federal Law of ФЗ “On fisheries and the conservation of aquatic biological resources”. Aquatic biological resources can be considered from the perspective of strategic food resources. Therefore, it is issues of legal regulation of their production, protection and rational use. subject to environmental priorities. The federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides legal regulation of environmental activities. Fishing for aquatic biological resources is regulated by the Federal December 20, 2004 № 166-ФЗ “On fisheries and the conservation of aquatic biological resources”. biological resources can be considered from the perspective of strategic food resources. Therefore, it is issues of legal regulation of their production, protection and rational use. biological resources can be considered from the perspective of strategic food resources. Therefore, it is necessary to study in more detail the issues of legal regulation of their production, protection and rational use. At the same time, international aspects are of great importance. In this regard, it is necessary not only to develop international legal regulation of fishing, but also to monitor At the same time, international aspects are of great importance. In this regard, it is necessary not only to develop the implementation of accepted international At the same time, international aspects are of great importance. In this regard, it is necessary not only to develop international legal regulation of fishing, but also to monitor the implementation of accepted international the example of regulation of the international fishing of cod, a mechanism of cooperation and interaction between Russia and Norway has been developed. It has been used for a long time and its ex the example of regulation of the international fishing of cod, a mechanism of cooperation and interaction between Russia and Norway has been developed. It has been used for a long time and its experience agreements. On the example of regulation of the international fishing of cod, a mechanism of cooperation and interaction between Russia and Norway has been developed. It has been used for a long time and its ex should be used more widely.
Effects of the ASC global value chain for small-scale prawn farmers In the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
Duc Nguyen, Emily Ogier
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The Global Value Chain (GVC) approach was used to analyse the integration of different prawn production stakeholders in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam into the global val The Global Value Chain (GVC) approach was used to analyse the integration of different prawn production ue chain. The prawn value chain is an example party certification, such of the buyer-driven chain in which international markets and major retailers use third as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), to form an entry barrier for producing countries. U the ASC value chain, each stakeholder used their own governance tool to contribute to the production of prawn products that met recognised sustainable standards in response to environmental and social concerns. The GVC analysis suggested that adoption of ASC certification benefited small as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), to form an entry barrier for producing countries. Upstream of the ASC value chain, each stakeholder used their own governance tool to contribute to the production of prawn products that met recognised sustainable standards in response to environmental and social concerns. The GVC scale farmers in the Mekong Delta by The Global Value Chain (GVC) approach was used to analyse the integration of different prawn production stakeholders in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam into the global value chain. The prawn value chain is an example driven chain in which international markets and major retailers use third-party certification, such as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), to form an entry barrier for producing countries. U the ASC value chain, each stakeholder used their own governance tool to contribute to the production of prawn products that met recognised sustainable standards in response to environmental and social concerns. The GVC option of ASC certification benefited small-scale farmers in the Mekong Delta by establishing contract farming between ASC farmers and seafood processors and input contracts between seed and chemical suppliers with ASC farmers. The presence of contract farming shortened the product flow from farm gate to seafood processors by reducing the number of intermediaries involved in the chain; therefore, contributing to increased share of the revenue for farmers. However, the ASC value chain is likely to exclude d compromise the livelihood of small-scale intermediaries who played an indispensable role in remote areas establishing contract farming between ASC farmers and seafood processors and input contracts between seed and chemical suppliers with ASC farmers. The presence of contract far establishing contract farming between ASC farmers and seafood processors and input contracts between seed ming shortened the product flow from farm gate to seafood processors by reducing the number of intermediaries involved in the chain; therefore, contributing to increased share of the revenue for farmers. However, the ASC value chain is likely to exclude and compromise the livelihood of small farm gate to seafood processors by reducing the number of intermediaries involved in the chain; therefore, contributing to increased share of the revenue for farmers. However, the ASC value chain is likely to exclude scale intermediaries who played an indispensable role in remote areas in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.
The Impact of Goodwill Impairment Testing on Earnings per Share
Faisal I. Alfaqih, Joel N. Morse
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One of the factors that affects the general population in their day-to-day life is share price changes. It is good to note that major accounting practices widely influence the changes in share prices. Goodwill impairment, an accounting charge reported when the fair value of a minority interest or subsidiary is lower than its carrying value, is one of the individual factors that affect the share prices and its earnings. To comply with the demands and needs of investors and regulators, there is an ongoing need to ascertain if the financial statements of a company accurately reflect its earnings and its valuation. Hence, as will be seen below, internal treasury staff and outside auditors periodically compare the balance sheet value of a unit of a company to its fair value. It is also important to note that a goodwill impairment will decrease a company’s book value.