Board of directors and female representation: effect on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Firm Performance
Georges BIDI, PhD
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The responsible actions can allow corporate citizens to improve their reputation and a better management of stakeholders’ relations. One of the board’s roles is convincing shareholders and investors that investment in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is consistent with their interests. A growing presence of women is observed on boards. Women directors are very sensitive to issues related to CSR reporting and firm performance. The aim of the paper is to study the relationship between corporate CSR reporting and firms’ performance according to whether they have or not women on their boards. We investigate the moderating effect of women directorship on the relationship between CSR reporting and performance for a sample of French listed companies belonging to the SBF 120 index during the period 2001-2010. The results show that the presence of at least one woman on the board impacts positively CSR reporting and firm performance.
Organizational Culture And Public Service: A Study About A Scientific Production From 1945 To 2019
Profa. Dra. Ivana Carneiro
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The aim of this study is to raise the state of the art of scientific production about the organizational culture in the public service through a bibliometric study. The research has a theoretical nature of quantitative approach and descriptive exploratory character, reflecting the production of the theme from 1945 to 2019. The data collection technique chosen was documentary research, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The database used as source of the analyzed articles was the vase Web Of Science, network analysis through VosViewer. As a result, it was noticed that studies of culture in the public service are directed towards the new service delivery requirements and changes in the State structural system in most of the world. This implies a continuity of studies which aim the understanding of this new dynamic with a view to promote new ways of looking and acting in public service.
Growth and Income Inequality in OECD Countries: Trade and Financial Openness.
E. D’Elia, R. De Santis
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of trade and financial integrationon economic growth and income inequality in 35 OECD countries over the period 1995-2016. Our contribution to the empirical literature is threefold: i) we disentangle the impact of economic integration in short and long run using an error correction model applied to panel data; ii) we differentiate estimates for low, middle and high income groups of countries and iii) we evaluate the impact on growth and inequality of global financial crisis, institutional quality and trade agreements. Our results show that trade openness was positively associated with GDP growth per capita and negatively with inequality. The impact of financial integration was heterogeneous. We find a positive relationship between financial integration and growth in the short run for middle income countries and a negative linkage with income inequality in the long run in low income countries.
Submission of Financial Statements by Micro Companies and Small Businesses in biddings under the rule of law 123/2006
Profa. Dra. Ivana Carneiro
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The current article aims to investigate if micro and small businesses, classified as micro companies/ small businesses, are obliged to present balance sheet registered in corresponding body in biddings according to law 123/2006. To that end, we use a clipping in the law nº 10.406/02 text, Brazilian Civil Code, or by Complementary Law nº 123/06, applicable to the micro company and to the small business, yet aggregated to Managemt Board of Simples Nacional resolutions and also of the Accounting Federal Board as General technical Interpretation resolution 1000, through bibliographic and descriptive methodology. It was verified that the obligatoriness of the anual accounting bookkeeping by the Micro Companies and Small businesses is crucial to take part in bidding events, besides being essential to data provision to controlling and decising making.
Relationship between Paradigm Shift in HRM and New Challenges for HR Professionals
ReshmaPai A, Jeevitha B V
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The HR professionals today face a whole new array of changes like globalization, technological advances, political and legal environment, managing new age HR etc. This has led to a paradigm shift in the roles of HR professionals. The great challenge of HRM is to attract, retain and nurture talented HR. This paper extracted the relationship which exists between paradigm shifts in HRM and challenges for HR Professionals. The analysis of this paper is dependent upon primary data which has been collected through interview as well as secondary data like journal, books and various website from internet. Sample size is 50. Chi square method has been used for analyzing the data.