The German Dimension of the Socio-Economic Gravity Systems of Europe
Prof. John Karkazis
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This paper analyzes the geo-economic dimension of the concept of regional efficiency and the role of social, economic and industrial gravity centers in the context of European geo-economic dynamics. In the above framework we evaluate and analyze the socio-economic gravity systems of Germany in the context of Europe as a tool for the exploration of the geo-economic efficiency of the German regions.
Deviant scrutiny methodology: Applications in the war against inequality
Evandro Bocatto, PhD, Eloisa Perez-de-Toledo, PhD
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We argue that research methodologies in management sciences often neglect the negative impact businesses may have on societies. To mitigate this problem, we suggest a deliberate integration of adjacent effects in the data collection of any topics under study. We call this approach to data sampling and collection, deviant scrutiny methodology. Deviant scrutiny can be defined as research methodology that emphasizes an integrative data collection that actively incorporates a variety of externalities into the dataset. The methodology shares three characteristics with Thomas Kuhn’s view: 1. an identified conception, metaphysics and values, viz., the approach includes externalities (i.e., sense of purpose); 2. an historical consideration focusing on emerging topics, or social facts, that affects society and organizations (i.e., sense of context); and, 3. the compulsory, by protocol, integration of evidences that challenge taken for granted assumptions and theories, and confronts the biases affecting scientific communities-of-practice (i.e., sense of awareness).
A Case Study of Video Technology Use in Small Business Development
Dr. Ruth Guo, Dr. Michael Littman, Eric Jing Guo
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This study reports on graduate students’ learning experiences with video technology. These graduate students filmed and created short videos as their course projects for the development of a small family restaurant. Through this community engagement and business developing experience, students not only gain solid knowledge and skills in the filming and publishing process, but also learn the value of communication and cooperation. They have established connections with the community and are able to develop their skills and confidence in contributing the knowledge they learn in the course to the real society. This case study with an ethnographic approach was applied in this study to analyse the video data. Research findings indicate that students are committed to solving practical problems that make academic learning meaningful and enhance their social skills, analytical skills, and career development.
Perspectives and Recommendations on Documents and Records Management Systems as Knowledge Management Capabilities: Case Studies
Jean-Pierre Booto Ekionea, Ph.D., Gérard Fillion, Ph.D.
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This study addresses the role of data and information management in organizational capabilities and performance. For public Organizations to achieve optimal organizational performance, they need to improve the way they identify, organize, protect, and deploy data and information. In this investigation, case studies are performed on two Public Organizations. The aim is to understand the current level of records management capabilities and propose an “ideal” mechanism that will raise these two public organizations’ records management systems to a level of excellence. A data information and, knowledge management capabilities maturity model is used within these two public organizations. The objective is to qualitatively validate the model in the context of public records management; and to apply this model to help these organizations to improve their documents and records management systems and knowledge management capabilities. Findings show that the both organizations waste time on document searches and knowledge retrieval.